Date: 3/2/2021
By Sssmorgann
Went to Palestine PetLand with Mitchell to get Cheddar food. He got really mean and abusive after I told him he picked out the wrong kind of food, so I left him. Valentine's day hunt for little plastic hearts (like Easter egg hunt?) I was really depressed and uninterested in it. The first one to find 3 hearts won something. It was pointless because my mom hid them so that nobody would get 3, because she kept the last one so she could decide who won. I was pretending to look for hearts to appease everyone but really I was just in a pasture petting some horse a lot. It was very sweet, rubbing its head on me, lying down and kinda wrapping its neck around me, licking my arm. A very nice horse 10/10. After the heart hunt was over, we had a celebratory dinner. My cousins were there but also some random people I didn't know. A baby (maybe 6 months old) drank water from a wine glass with perfect grace and everyone lost their fucking minds at the coordination. There was a little kids table and I made them toasty tortillas. Everyone was eating different breads. Some fluffy and buttery. Bailee talked about a pistachio bread with a dark chocolate swirl. Bobby Hill was struck with a crush on lil goth girl. He was performing when it happened, dressed as a mummy. Somehow the trance with the girl unraveled some of his wraps to make it a strapless dress. Bullies being mean gonna beat him up. He got her balloons and little gift junk like a teddy bear or something, and the bullies took it all and tied it to the trash can to make it look like she was being mean to him. :( My dad wearing some polo with a logo that he was unsure about. My mom asked him what it was and questioned why he would wear it if he didn't know. He said he knew I would recognize it and stir shit up if it was too (conservative/republican/fascist/christian/evil)... LOL TRUUUU