United xxvi and Adam Levine clothes in ardene

Date: 5/26/2020

By levinelover

There was seaweed in a package I could have free. ardene location united xxvi and Adam clothes, it was mostly clothes I already had. Gabriela came to meet me at the store. There was also a pink dress I really liked not from those clothing lines I wanted to try in. Sheryl lies about me getting a stain on a dress I had a bell but they didn’t answer and said to go to the centre of the store immediately to confront me about the dress and I explained Sheryl just hated me. I wanted to shoplift all the Adam levine and united xxvi clothes I liked. Adams brand was just called “Adam”. I found a tour shirt with Nash and someone in the front as cared on the back on size fits all for men and it was orange and white tye dye.Me and Gabriela stares at the leveled garage in the store one of the cars looked like a different colour version of my grandpas old car and kinda looked like it had eyebrows we saw a shadow and freaked and then it got water on her/my moms face from a sprinkler they might have turned on cause they saw us staring. Something about my hairline was bothering people too