A Different Road

Date: 9/18/2016

By kyle_chandler

I was on a unicycle riding down the road in my hometown. I don't know how to ride one in real life so this was strange. I was riding down the sidewalk and came across a woman walking her dog. If I had slowed down I would fall off, so I had to jump over. Not letting myself worry about the risk, I attempted to jump over the woman's dog and was completely successful. Someone was with me I think walking or running next to me but after that they weren't. I think they were stopped by this obstacle. I came around a corner and a large group of people I know saw me, and were surprised and confused by my path and how I was riding it, as they were simply walking and headed in the opposite direction. They commented on it amongst themselves and some even took pictures. After that I was riding down the road still and a huge tree was literally growing out of the road and its roots sprouted out and into the road across it creating a very bumpy and seemingly un-passable point. Yet again I was able to easily jump and maneuver around it, trusting in my abilities and not worrying about what would happen if I failed. Two of my friends who were walking in the opposite direction trying to climb across the tree's roots, and were having lots of trouble and needed to help each other. After this I arrived back at my house somehow, and saw my neighbor working on something. I asked her if she needed help and she said no. That's all I remember. My interpretation: There is an unknown road ahead with many obstacles. It may seem like I have to employ strange means to travel this road, or that its direction is opposite to that of most other people's. However, if I trust myself and my abilities, I can overcome any obstacle, and that road will ultimately lead me home, or in other words, somewhere I want to be.