Faux Disneyland

Date: 6/2/2019

By smithskyler53114

I was walking down a a street with multiple areas where I could turn left or right, so many decisions. So many people just as if it was Disneyland, but this place wasn’t Disneyland it’s some made up theme park that I don’t even know what the theme really was. There were buildings that looked like they came out of a cowboy movie and then there were areas with bright colors and rides. I was alone walking and looking and trying to decide what rides I’ve never been on and which ones I wanted to ride. I felt like I was running to figure out what ride I wanted. I’d stop for .3 seconds and look at the names of the rides and felt as if they weren’t good enough to waste time on. The only one I could specifically remember was called “anaconda”, again this park has no theme haha. I walked up to the ride no one was there so I was like “oh I must be lucky!” And I like walked over to the wrong and a worker didn’t tell me to stop I just assumed I wasn’t in the right area to be standing (right next to the edge where there’s a small drop down with a whole bunch of mechanical things for the ride). The worker looked at me and I said “oh I’m sorry I meant to stand over there I don’t know why I came over here.” Then he said something under his breathe but I could hear him, he said “wow who is this” like in a positive way. And then this little girl beside me got on the ride and then the worker started talking to me. He wasn’t cute/wasn’t my type (my type is basically only my bf lol) and he was just saying that I was pretty and he asked me other questions and I finally cut him off and said “well thank you but i have a boyfriend” and awkwardly smiled. His mouth went open and all I remember was he was missing teeth and I was trying so hard to not laugh and he was again trying to mumble words but I heard him clearly say “should of just said that FIRST” and I looked over and said “well wouldn’t it be rude to just straight up say that I had a boyfriend I just thought you were gonna have a convo with me” and it was finally my turn to get on the ride, THANK GOD. Another ride I took was actually so scary, this one was chucky the doll themed, my family randomly showed up in my dream and they were going to ride it with me. I sat in the seat and now my friend Caitlyn was sitting in the seat to my right and I was like well at least I’m not sitting alone anymore! And then the ride started and all I saw were chucky dolls being pushed out by a machine on the walls and they were by your feet to make it look like he was going to grab you (okay i got scared because I hate chucky). Now this is where I can sorta remember what happened. I remember this distinct voice talking loud so everyone could hear and then all the sudden we were out of the ride and standing and looking at either some fake bodies or all real stacked up on each other all wearing white night gowns. And this one girl was saying to spare her and help her but My dream skipped to the next part. I somehow got backstage and I was talking to the guy who did the voice over the intercom. He sounded so weird but interesting and then I remember walking into a bathroom and he was showering, this guy looked like a young Leo DiCaprio, so I was intrigued but something was fishy and not right. I then found out he was chucky and he could turn into the doll. I was so scared I didn’t know how to reply to him. And then I just woke up, the end lol