goblin dude

Date: 4/3/2018

By kceisbrenner

i was in a crowd in this like old town square thing and they were all adoring and cheering for this goblin lookin dude who was the also the king,, he was standing on the balcony overlooking the crowd. somehow i had the feeling that something was wrong. the goblin dudes daughter who wasn't a goblin?? she was just a normal person?? came out into the balcony. she started dropping flowers onto the crowd and everyone cheered louder. the flowers were white rose petals that turned light pink like halfway down. for some reason i knew that meant they were poisonous but i couldn't get anyone to listen to me when i told them to stop catching the petals. the crowd was cheering and completely oblivious and i couldn't get anyone to hear me. people started dropping and in the chaos, i watched this young girl walk up to the daughter (who wasn't on the balcony anymore??) and say "how could you do this?" the daughter hands the girl a purple flower and she dies instantly, and that's it