Dating Seokjin

Date: 1/13/2018

By Onii

I had a dream that I was dating Kim Seokjin from BTS. It was nice actually despite the fact that he really wasn’t my bias or anything. He had sat down next to me while we went on a school trip to the theatre. During the play he held my hand, but it wasn’t until it was over and our class went to a nearby restaurant that he asked me out. I just went for it. Over the table kiss. Not sweet either. Full on tongue and everything. Our relationship was cute and hot. He’d teach me korean and then we’d be on the floor 😉. I remember we were playing this card game that would help with my korean comprehension and he sat behind me, arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder as he reviewed them with me. I kept telling my friends about this game nonstop; it was fun. Jin was really good at making me laugh and really naggy too. We’d be watching a movie and he’d just break into jokes. I told him to fix his shirt one time in the dream and he started on a whole tangent about fashion and if I didn’t like the way his shirt looked I should fix it myself. I couldn’t stop laughing at his tantrum. He was such a gentleman too!! However, we were packing for a trip after school. I randomly spotted Baekhyun and went over to talk to him while Jin waited for me to get finished. That boy is hilarious. He was telling me how much Chanyeol got on his nerves and he wished he wasn’t “constantly paired up with that dumbass”. I didn’t stay long because I knew Jin and I had to get going. When I came back over, Jin was a bit hesitant around me. I assumed it was because he had all the bags and whatever. As we’re putting the new mugs away—for some reason we bought new mugs and wanted to bring them—a girl came up to us. She was a friend of both me and Jin. She said “You guys are very different. Why are you two together? How did this happen? You don’t seem like each others types at all,” and Jin replied: “Sometimes the heart just wants a piece of ass,” I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. Like wow Jin so much for our relationship. But before I could say anything, my bag started to ring and it turned out it was my alarm clock. I was pissed!! I didn’t get any closure!! We got new mugs and everything!