Date: 10/16/2023
By brinkery
The beginning of my dream had to do with a school field trip, or something of the like. After the trip was over, the twelfth grade made their way back on the bus and waited for it to take us back to our high school campus. Shortly after we arrived school was dismissed, and I, unfortunately, was forced to ride the school bus home since my twin brother wasn’t going to be able to pick me up, much like what happened in real life the other day. I strolled outside with the rest of the students to where all our buses are always at 2:50 P.M. The bus I got on took us to the elementary school, and I got on my intended bus for home. Right off the bat the bus was different. It was mixed with kids that don’t normally ride it, kids I’ve never seen before, and kids that actually ride it. This little girl who I hadn’t seen in a year wanted me to sit next to her, so I did, and just as I did, I realized my best friend had been sitting across from us! He was also sitting next to someone - a person who looked just like him, dirty blonde hair, backwards black cap, black clothes and all. He doesn’t actually ride my bus, and he does not have a twin sister. “Seth!” I exclaimed, my face lighting up as I turned slightly his way. “Hi!” I was met with an awkward silence save for the loud ramblings you think you’d hear on a bus compacted with rowdy elementary, middle, and high school kids and a burnt-out driver. I really wanted to forget what just happened a second ago, being ignored. “Seth!” I say again, and I lean forward to give his arm a little tap. He blinked his green hue eyes in the fashion he always did and glanced at me. His ‘twin sister’ was looking out on the side she was up against - the window. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I’m not really in a mood to talk,” he replied, and his sister’s eyes glanced over in our direction. Which is fine; one reason our friendship blossomed the way it did is because we have so much in common, and sometimes we understand we don’t always want to talk. We’re both introverts, after all! My other dream was on a time crunch. I don’t remember too much about it, and I probably dreamed about it for at most thirty minutes because I woke up during it. We were at the big mall about three hours away from our town. We being my other best friend, Emily B., a bunch of kids from my school, and my dad and his wife apparently since they showed up at the end of it. We weren’t on a field trip, those wretched kids always make up the characters in my dreams! I was hanging out with Emily, though. The mall didn’t look like how it actually does. It looked more like a mall I visited while vacationing in Florida. Emily and I spent most of our time in a store that looked like TJ Maxx. We wandered around the entire store, running into a few of our classmates on the way. None of them were people we interacted with so we didn’t talk to them. Emily apparently had her own small store set up in the store. A bearded slim guy at the cashier was managing it. A bunch of clothes she’d usually wear were hanging down from racks and stacked on tables. Some of her junk was strewn neatly across the placed neatly in little bins. I went through some of the clothes and was too lazy to pick it up after some of the hangers fell on the floor. Emily was slightly irritated but she demanded for us to move onto the next store. I got Emily to sit in a buggy cart so she could go on her phone while we continued our journey. It didn’t take that much effort to push her around. I took us to the end of the store, and there we saw Christian and Andrew, these kids who were in our science class from last year. They were goofing around as they usually did. I stopped and drifted away from the cart to take a gander at what they were selling. Unlike Emily’s their store was more like a booth you’d find at a vendor’s mall, and it was filled with electronics, mostly iPhones, androids, and some Obama government phones. I got bored so I went back to the back of the cart and RAMMED that thing. I pushed the cart and ran along with it as fast as humanely possible, and we ran