Digital art, A DALL-E image of a group of friends on vacation in a cabin being confused by a malfunctioning multimedia box that suddenly turns on multiple TV displays playing a children's show.

Strange Vacation

Date: 1/23/2023

By Xiileaf

I was up in the mountains by myself. It was a beautiful view, rolling green valleys, snow capped peaks, and crystal clear mountain water as far as the eye could see. The sun was bright and few fluffy clouds were overhead. I had a destination to get to. I was walking along a manmade dirt path, nothing but the sounds of a few flittering birds and the wispy wind. The ground crunched beneath my feet with the few pebbles of gravel left of the path. I was working my way up to the top of one of the hills. After a minute or two of walking, I came to the top of the hill. For some reason, my English teacher, Ms. Molskness was there, sitting cross-legged on the ledged rock beneath her. She was looking out at the fantastical view. I was shocked to see her, especially in such casual clothing as a tee shirt and washed out blue overalls. We shared a few words, but I cannot remember them. I continued on to my destination. After some time wandering through the rolling hills, mountains, and enjoying the beautiful scenery, I came across a strange cabin. It wasn’t hiding; just there. I walked into the little cabin, and noticed that there were people walking in with me; most of which I knew personally. There was Tom, my sibling, their friend, maybe my mom, and Manny from Modern Family (for some reason). I wanted to find a place to drop my stuff that randomly appeared and claim a room. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have my own room as there were only three or so to choose from, but I was planning on bunking with Tom, so it was okay. Zephyr and their friend had already picked a room and were under the covers together, smirking at me for having taken the room before me. They’d taken the room closest to the bathroom. I walked down the hall of the cabin, that was bigger on the inside than the outside, and found the second room, which had been claimed by Tom. His stuff was on the far bed-side from the door, but he wasn’t in the room. I thought about how we’d hopefully have some alone time later on. I dropped my own stuff off and walked back out of the room and took a look at the last of the three rooms. The person who could have been my mom (not sure, can’t remember), had claimed it, and it had the master bath attached to it. A shame I couldn’t have it. It had a nice, big shower with a glass sliding door and a jet tub. It had red mood lighting though, so maybe it was a good thing I didn’t have it. Red lights are inherently creepy. Manny’s stuff was also in this master bedroom, but it was still packed and up in a corner next to the door, so I suppose it was just there to be out of the way and he’d be sleeping on a couch in one of the the living room areas. Once everyone had settled in, we were going to relax and kick back. The common areas were unusually dark, or at least the area I was in was as such. There was a huge box that happened to be a radio/CD player/TV set. The big tan box had three different displays. Two of which were old and relatively small. The third was small as well, but modern-ish in comparison. I tried turning one on. Some stupid kids’ show blared on the TV and I could feel my ears beginning to burn red for not having turned down the volume yet. I turned the TV off and tried another TV. The same thing popped up at the same volume. I tried the third with the same result. When I went to turn off the TV using one of the 5 or so light switch on the multimedia box, one of the others turned on at the same time the previous one turned off. I tried to shut the current one off, but another TV turned on, and soon, all three were on and blaring an annoying kids show. There was no noticeable way to turn it down, so I angrily pushed all of the switches into the off position and finally got the dammed thing to turn off everything. The half wall partion behind the couch facing the multimedia box thing enabled me to see my my housemates’ faces. They were all facing away, taking to each other and paying no heed to me and my technical difficulties. I sighed in relief and went up to join them, leaving the cursed box and the ugly yellow/tan couch alone. I got bored of communing with my family and Manny, so I decided to take Tom with me back to our shared room. We talked about, things, but we didn’t get to do any of said “things” before I woke up.

AI generated interpretation This dream may reflect your desire for a change in environment and the need for some peace and serenity. It also may reflect a feeling of being overwhelmed by a current situation or relationship. The presence of your English teacher reflects a need for structure and order in your life. The presence of family and friends may represent a desire for connection and support. The difficulty in turning off the TV may represent a need for control or a feeling of being out of control in a situation. Finally, the need for some alone time with Tom could reflect a desire for intimacy or a need to reconnect with someone close to you.