Job at Forever21

Date: 4/8/2018

By royallauren7

I got a job at a Forever21 store that was connected to a huge apartment building. We were working like normal and then a group of people came in with guns and set up a projector. They made us sit down and watch a slideshow of revealing pictures of girls. Many of the photos were of us girls working in the store. When a photo of me showed I became really distressed. I was at the back of the room in the dark so I snuck out and went up into the apartment building to try and get help. I knocked on a door and a 30 year old white guy opened it. His apartment was huge and to the right I could see lines of computers where people were playing games and talking with each other. I tried to tell them what was happening downstairs but they rushed me in and talked over me. They were all very kind and happy. They took me down a hall to his kitchen and sat me down. When I could finally talk, I explained the situation and they called the police.