Lost Luggage Haunts My Dreams

Date: 7/25/2023

By Xiileaf

My family had all of our luggage lost by the airlines taking us to and from Europe for our summer vacation, so I guess I kind of dreamt about it. I was on a cruise ship (much like irl), except it was much smaller and much less furnished. I guess my brain was too tired for intricate decorations. I booked it to the restroom with my suitcase, relieved to have gotten on the boat. I got in shortly before a line formed. I left my suitcase on the floor next to the sinks as it couldn’t fit in the stall with me. I went in, did my business, and when I came out, my suitcase was gone. I angrily looked at the line that formed outside the restroom and didn’t see anyone with it, nor was it anywhere else in the room. I scowled as I washed my hands. I still had my backpack, but nothing important other than my phone, wallet, and ID. No clothes or toiletries. I ran out of the bathroom and surveyed the open area, trying to spot my unusually grey, bland suitcase… Too lazy to finish for now.