police dog was too good

Date: 2/10/2021

By juulianjuice

this happened a few days after getting chased by the police irl. had this same dream to or three times before but only remember this one. at this last party it was being thrown at my house and when the cops showed up i didn’t wanna get in shit, i was upstairs and ran down and out the back. i was running through some trail with a few other people but there was police tape set up like hurdles that we were all ducking or jumping over. I wasn’t able to run as fast as a couple people and was worrried it would be me who the cop caught as they chased us. i decided to suddenly sharply turn to the left and began cutting through some woods. i ran out onto a street and realized an officers police dog was chasing after me. i managed to think i was safe from the dog about three times, each time i’d stop for a moment before the dog happily ran over to me and the officer would soon catch up yelling things about how i coudknt escape. finally around the third time i ended up escaping into some sort of building but the dog and officer quickly found me again, i finally gave up and began crying to the officer about how i couldn’t afford to pay a fine. he said he didn’t care and id be fined anyway. suddenly chiki was in the dream too and her and the police dog were happily playing in the hallway. was kinda cute.