Project SUPER : Collective Consciousness

Date: 1/10/2018

By SwaggyBoy9

I was with the lads from super. There was a big building which we could see, it had the superman logo and it was like my dream project super base. It turned out to be just some superman manufacturing company, the building still looked dope. So the main lads, cole, Athen, z, kaz, and a few others I think met up. I don't remember max being there. We were talking about our abilities and we actually had them! But I don't think we had the abilities we always wanted, it was an assortment of abilities but I remember myself having superspeed. . Fuck. I'm not gonna be able to sort this dream out properly, I remember so much and idk what order it's in... I'm just gonna write whatever I remember. Cole had a bit of an attitude, like he wasn't happy with anything. We had lost our abilities and nobody knew why, we tried to work them again and get them back but we couldn't. Cole suddenly mentioned something about our group consciousness and then it hit me.. We had formed some sort of collective consciousness... Basically to put it : If one of us had a doubt or didn't believe, all of us lose our abilities since we're interconnected. Another part I remember in this dream, we were up on this sewer pipe? We were up somewhere high, and all of our group was chilling there. We looked down and this group of little girls were playing near a bridge with some water. We were all laughing and joking around from top, watching them but suddenly the water started to shake and the water levels went high. One of the girls below got her foot stuck in something and couldn't escape! We all laughed for a bit until we realised that shit got serious, everyone ran to help. There was this pod that fitted like 4-6 people. Aquaman was with me and a few of us went down the pod. As we went we had to break it to escape otherwise someone would've killed us as we went down but we couldn't escape, and 3 of my peers died. I acted dead and vegeta didn't notice and as he was about to walk off I got back up and I think I attacked them? Another part.. I was Barry Allen. I was trapped in this room without my abilities, I was with Steven. I had to figure out how to leave, and I could trust Steven. He's a nice guy. He said we just had to press hands together and we could escape, simple as that. But I trusted him and did that, suddenly his face turned evil and it looked fucking creepy. He started laughing and so did I. We were suddenly fighting I think? And apparently I was in a flash movie and there was an audience outside this glass window watching us and I could hear them. Another part I remember was going to school. I had woken up in an odd house that wasn't mine and I had to go to school. My mum and uncle were sleeping and she woke me up and gave me "lunch" for the day which was just a container of cashews..? I said I'm not gonna fucking take this, this isn't enough food! She insisted that I go, but I fussed and said I'm staying home if you don't make me some actual food. I was in pridham hall now, and there was a movie in the middle of the hall so me and my mum sat down with a chair and started watching it. I was now watching it alone and it was almost 9:35am and there I was in pridham, watching a movie. Eventually I was watching it alone somehow and Mr Somer comes up to me asking what I'm doing, I explained and I think he left. Another part I remember was when super was together, we were walking and our collective consciousness had like 30 people now. As I was walking, I bumped into this chick and she seemed to be into me. As I walked past them, I turned around and this guy was taking money from my wallet in my bag or trying to. I snatched it back and told him to fuck off. He said "what the fuck cunt why do you have so much money" I explained that I worked like 2 years for it and he laughed, he asked why I get paid so little. I said "exactly, I barely make anything and I've worked hard for this so don't steal it". As I was walking around this edge, I turned around to see the guy holding my wallet again somehow saying "ooh, I'll drop it off this edge" and I said "I fucking dare you, I'll push you off this edge myself if you do". And he did. He threw my wallet down the edge. I could pick it up easily but I got angry. I grabbed him from behind and dragged him to the edge, and we both fell but he landed on his dead. He seemed fucking dead but then got back up and laughed it off, I started punching him. I realised he may have been immortal? Or have super strength. But I remembered, he's part of my collective consciousness and if he has abilities, then so do I! I had superspeed.. and that's all I remember of that fight. Another part I remember, was running behind this school and seeing jack. I ran past jack with the lads and jack laughed "who are these negro's". I told him to fuck off which I later realised was a bit rude to my friend, he was going to some different school in what I thought was America. We ran past him and got to this corner that looked like pukekura raceway. I said "wait we're in America!" but soon got corrected "we're in new Plymouth tails". I then started to question how we got from America to New Zealand so quickly.. We were running over these hills trying to get our abilities back but it didn't quite work. That's all I remember of that. In total, there were about 2-3 dreams I had but they were so scrambled and confusing to remember, I just spewed out everything I remember randomly.