Date: 6/2/2019
By aubie
This one was a lot to unpack, gonna be hard to explain everything properly. First, two girls invite me over and we have sex. They're taking pictures and whatnot but I don't seem to care. I clean up, thank them and go home. Fast forwards a week or so, I'm walking around my house (but not my IRL house, it was a very odd, had no windows and dark marble floors) which changes the arrangements of the rooms everytime I try to get anywhere. I discover the aforementioned pictures and some video are on Twitter, but they're all from my POV so you can't really tell it's me. I'm both terrified and slightly excited. I can't decide to tell my girlfriend or not because I can't remember if she was alright with me engaging in sex with other women. I walk into my brother's room looking for some pants and he has what appears to be an animatronic Husky's head on his desk. On closer inspection, it's a real Husky head and it's growling at me. I'm wondering how a live Husky head is living decapitated from its body. I go on a trip and see these beautiful clear ponds that fill formerly underground ruins. After the ponds, I walk a bit and get mixed up in a conflict between the cast of Game of Thrones. It turns into an absolutely brutal fight between the main cast, half had been turned into Vampires, half had been turned to Werewolves (the Starks, the Hound, and Stannis were Werewolves, Dany, Varys, Littlefinger, and the Lannisters were Vampires. I thought it was fitting that Jon and Dany end up mortal enemies and one has to kill the other). The cast are slaughtering each other as they turn into the creatures. Tyrion is running for his life, gets trapped in a room, then is turned into a Vampire. Tyrion somersaults through a window, now sporting a skull-faced Pickelhaube helmet and a spear. He fights off his growing enemies in one last stand before being hit like a golf ball by The Mountain. I cried pretty hard at his death. I wake up and realize I'm hanging out with my friends and had dozed off on the couch, dreaming up the entire Thrones ordeal (in actuality I'm still dreaming). I try to tell my friends but they're distracted by conversation. I fall back asleep on the couch and I'm in back in a room with the two women from the first part of the dream, they keep telling me to come to Alesso. I wake up again and there's a loudspeaker voice telling me that "Sector 5" must evacuate immediately. I start getting dressed to get out when I wake up IRL. I fall back asleep IRL almost immediately, and I'm seeing what appears to be my lawyer talking to a prison guard. I'm in a cell with a large man who seems afraid of me. I ask him what I did to end up here and his words are jumbled and I only hear "police." I'm escorted to the execution chamber, and I start to wonder "is this my real life? Have I been dreaming for so long trying to escape whatever monster I was that I had forgotten my true self?" They ask me a few questions and I answer with a somewhat childlike demeanor. They flip a switch and I'm thrown back into the real world. I wake up not knowing at first if I was actually awake, but finally I was for real. I check my phone since I felt like months had passed, but it had only been an hour. Still a little shook.