Poseidon’s Tree

Date: 5/30/2019

By -Frelsun-

In a land rover, Sophia Dunkin and I travelled through desert dust, for no reason but pleasure, until I realized that several black SUV’s were following us a little ways behind. I sped up, notifying Sophia, and we quickly got out at a small wooden cabin next to a wood on our left, and entered to face them. The cabin was barren save for an abandoned bed in the center, which we stood just behind to guard ourselves further. When they came in, they attacked us, and after I made sure Sophia also remembered her magical abilities, we, unfortunately, started killing them. There were around 10 girls, all around but slightly below my age, and I murdered most of them without giving them a chance, through dark magic. I now regret greatly my lack of empathy. However, after realizing that one of the girls was Emma Zelinsky, and putting her to sleep instead, I was faced with a tall girl with raven hair and fierce, intelligent eyes. She was unlike the others, and as I attacked her in the ancient language, she responded in kind, countering my attacks and matching me jarringly. We locked hands and laced fingers fiercely in an attempt to break each other's concentration, and she told me a startling truth. “So you’re a Light Elf, aren’t you, though not Christian like the others? I had not known what I was, only that Fia and I possessed superhuman abilities. It did explain a lot though, and her comment broke my concentration enough that she was able to slow time around her, so I next appeared in a dark cage with Sophia at my side, no light hinting at our location. Of course, both of us could see fine in total darkness, but that’s besides the point. The girl with the raven hair appeared above us at the top of the cage, and smiled before throwing in an older man, who landed superhero style on one knee, facing us. A slam sounded above us, and we were thrown into darkness again. The man introduced himself as Poseidon,^ master of the ocean’s, and our father. I was finally able to understand why Sophia and I had not only the powers of Light Elves, but every conceivable power we could imagine. Fia and I were the children of a God. We talked for a short time with our Father, though eventually conversation turned back to the matter at hand. The cage was bumping around now, and Poseidon deduced that we were in the back of a large truck. Using one of his Infinite Gifts, he grew himself until he was as tall as the cage was long, and pushed, snapping the entire truck in half and releasing us. We exited the vehicle rapidly, and I noticed we were next to a bike trail surrounded by sagebrush. I decided to combine with Poseidon to travel more efficiently, so he disappeared and became simply a mental spectator of my actions. I started running up the trail, but after about 100 steps, I noticed a large praying mantis sitting in the middle of the trail, a warning. I turned back and saw Sophia almost captured by the raven-haired girl, though she escaped and began sprinting to me at an inhuman speed averaging around 35 mph. I started running again, because I knew she could catch up to me, and we lost our pursuers when we got to the end of the bike trail, at the top of a large hill. Something looked different though, and I looked up and around to see that everything was animated around us. We were in the game Fortnite at the top of the large hill at the center, for the map only contained one hill with cliffs at the edges. I looked to Fia questioningly, but a call pulled my attention in front of me again. It was Austin and Emma Zelinsky, and they were using the hill’s slope to an advantage by sledding down it, trampling the tiny trees below them. They offered us a sled, and we both took one, and we all sledded down the slope, picking up speed. I soon planted my feet and slowed to a stop, leaving two deep trenches behind me in the dirt, and Sophia stopped next to me much more gracefully, by just disapparating as she slid past, and apparating at a standstill next to me, looking surprised but happy again, which gladdened me. A supply drop balloon was next to us, so we got in and started flying it back up to the top with our sleds. About halfway back up though, we saw our pursuers cross the crest of the hill, so we instinctively jumped from the almost 100 foot high balloon and landed, unhurt, on the grass below. We hopped on our sleds, and flew down to the very bottom. I edited the landscape so that there would be no cliff, so we ended at a small Glade surrounded by blossoming trees with a crystalline pond beside it. The place was shaped like an amphitheater, with an enormous cherry tree in the center, branching out hundreds of feet. I felt Poseidon regain his own body again, and he stood proudly someway up the tree. We ditched the sleds and climbed to where he was, in the tree only about 20 feet up. There were two more girls there, water nymphs I learned, who were also my sisters, though we never formally met. My mother was also there, a light elf I learned, though we never got introduced either. Poseidon had shown me his enormous trident, which radiated water based energy, but had a missing fish-shaped blue emerald right at the middle. He said he mourned the loss of the trident’s source of power, for he could be so much more powerful with it again. Reaching out with my consciousness, I summoned the emerald with my Abilities to my hand. (You should realize that our family did not have unlimited potential, our powers were limited in that we couldn’t overuse them, so Poseidon must have only lost it recently and been to busy to retrieve it) I took his Trident and pushed the jewel into it, though the entire trident smushed in my hand to a cake with vanilla frosting on it. I gave the cake to Poseidon, worried that he would be angry at my faulty magic, but instead he insisted we all gather around, and we sang him Happy Birthday, for his birthday it was. When we had finished and he was beginning to eat, I saw out of the corner of my eye the pursuers lurking and watching us from behind a tree not more than 50 feet away from us. I notified Sophia and Poseidon telepathically instantly, and Sophia and I flashed (superspeed ran) down the hill further into the city, leaving Poseidon, because he deserved to rest on his birthday. Fia and I dashed into the nearest building, an enormous and super fancy hotel-like structure.^ We turned left, and ran down the marble stairs leading to the lower floors. The stairs were lit with green lights, and I realized this is someone’s gargantuan mansion, and we were in the servant’s and maid’s quarters. In fact, the building belonged to an old friend of mine, Nathan Maybach. (Who had sacrificed his own Alfakun magic in order to become extremely successful in the world of humans) As we reached the bottom and ran to the end of the hall, we opened the door to find the most extravagant bathroom I could ever have imagined. It had over 40 showers and baths in this central section, in the open style of the Romans, with separate wings for toilets and locker rooms on either end. We closed the solid wooden door and stood panting next to it for a short time, to recover from the flashing. Soon, Sophia and I started walking across the bathroom, marveling at the incredible size of it. There were two elevators on the left wall too, displaying Nathan’s magnificent wealth. A sudden explosion of the door behind us crumpling inwards prompted Fia and I to run to the elevator nearest us, and push the button frantically. The raven-haired girl walked confidently through the hole where the door had been, now only with four heavy-set men in trenchcoats as her aids. As she locked eyes with me, the elevator dinged and we hopped in. There was a woman inside already, who insisted on holding the door open so all could get in, so we couldn’t close the doors. Sophia and I watched as the raven-haired girl flashed an evil smile and began closing the gap between us smoothly. Desperately, Fia and I smashed through the metal backside of the elevator violently, leaving a sizeable hole behind us. We dashed around a drink bar to the other elevator, which waited open for us. As we jumped in, Sophia pushed the button to a different floor, and the doors closed just in time. When we got out, it appeared we were next to a kid’s play area, for the entire room on our left was made of foam pads, and there were stacks of toys and boxes all around. It was a relatively small room, about the size of a school classroom. Sophia and I decided to hide behind one of the stacks, and waited, deciding to turn invisible together for good measure. Eventually they entered the room, and scanned around, but seeing nothing, turned and started murmuring together just outside. Despite Fia’s better judgement, I decided to switch places, and walked across the room to a closet of jackets on the other side. Squishing myself in the corner behind the hangars of jackets, I covered myself with an orange puffy jacket, (I was no longer invisible) and waited again. The raven-haired girl must have ordered the four men to search more thoroughly, because they came in again and started feeling every corner. I watched as one approached me, and felt through the jackets, finding me. He yelled in triumph and yanked me into the open by my arm, presenting me to his boss. Twisting inhumanly fast, I flicked my wrist to free myself from his grasp, and Fia and I bolted from the room, dashing through the halls and back to the main entrance. We ran out to the street, and I felt the light drizzling rain all around me. “Why should we hide in just one building?” I thought out loud to her. Sophia and I started running down the street, and the rain, my aura feeder, lended me energy that granted me the ability that took the most magical effort to achieve naturally, flight. The two of us lifted off and flew high enough to see several blocks ahead of us. I briefly wished that we were not being pursued, so I could just enjoy the company of soaring together with Sophia, but I knew now was not the time. I saw Mika and Aileen two blocks ahead of us about to enter a grocery store, and we landed behind them to enter with them. Fia and I started wandering around the foreign store, pretending to be shopping for a while. Too soon, the four dangerous men came in, and I hurriedly gave my shopping cart to Christoph, telling him sincerely that I would die if he didn’t take it. He took it, confused, and Sophia and I ran past the trenchcoat claden men back out, and flew up together, higher than we had ever flown before. Above the clouds and higher we soared, making sure to alter ourselves correctly so breathing wouldn’t be necessary. Wind whistled past us, and eventually, we reached a strange platform high up, floating in the air, it seemed. It was akin to a diving board, though wide enough to fit four people shoulder to shoulder. Sophia looked to me questioningly, but we touched down gently on it anyways. An innocent looking man shouted to us over the wind to strap on the backpacks he held out to us, and we took them. Looking back on it, I think that since we had landed in a location with no rain, we could no longer effortlessly fly as we had been on the way up. So, we put on the parachuting packs, and I grinned joyously to Sophia as we stepped to the edge. We shared a look of mutual, close friendship as we stepped off the edge, and free-fell together through the sky. I became happy as I can feel, and realized that Sophia and I were extraordinarily gifted, and a whole life and world of memories and experience was still waiting for us out there.