Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Unexpected birthday party at home turns into a terrifying chase through a cornfield.

Birthday gone wrong

Date: 6/24/2024

By alissalove

I’m at my house I’m living in now. I’m getting ready for the day alone. I’m texting Eden about random things. I look out my window and I see some other class mates in their cars in my drive way. I don’t answer. I tried to call the old friend to see what’s up. Then I notice another old friend pull up right next to my bedroom window. The blinds are closed so she can see me. I peer through one of them and see it’s Callie. I go to leave my room and it changes to my mother living room. I walk to the sink to go drain some water. The kitchen changed back to my kitchen. There’s a big log of froZen meat dethawing in the sink. I then notice Shannon and Alec skanks walk through my door. The porch they come through is my mothers. I ask why a bunch of class mates are here. Shannon is going on and on about Lara and how she’s mean to women but is friends with men. I found that strange. Then I walk back to my bed room to see if everyone is still out there. The cars are there but the people are staring to come in my house. There’s 2 birthday cakes that are shades of yellow and pink with butterflies positioned on them. The last one is a big 3 tiered square cake. As I’m walking through my house to go change into clothes I remember it’s my birthday. I’m asking people where my mother and Carl are. Ellie reed appears on my old couch when we first moved into the house I’m living in now. She says Carl is out of town at a rummage sale with his cousin Corey. I’m upset because we has plans and it wasn’t told to me. I start to make my way down stairs and I see Alex shanks following me. I’m headed to change my clothes so I’m apprehensive. I ask why everyone is here. Just at that moment when I reach the basement alex turns the corner and goes out of sight. Im then greeted with a phone call from my grandfather. He’s kind of talking in tongues. I ask him what’s going on here and I say my whole graduating class is at my house. He doesn’t really say anything but just then Alex says they are here for me. I remember it’s my birthday but there’s an ominous feeling about it. I run up the stair as fast as I can. Shannon has come down and I push past her. I’m frantically trying to look for all my cats so no one let them out then I ran outside. Once I’m outside everyone has vanished. It’s very Eerie. Shannon and Alex make their way outside. I know I have to run. I climb on top of my house but then I look out and I’m in a field. It looks like an old corn field that has just been harvested. It’s grey and cloudy. There brush everywhere on the ground. I start to make a big leap into the air. I make it to the ground to start running and I hear a terrifying panting roar. Something is headed straight for me. The growls are getting louder and louder. I can hear the air leaving it’s lungs. I still can’t see the figure until I’m running through the side woods at my house. I’m trying to make it to the neighbors but I have no shoes or socks on. I just keep pushing. Terror is running through me. I finally make it to the house and do a BIG jump. As I’m jumping I start to swim fly. At that point I know it’s a dream so I start to scream for Carl to wake me up. Once I hit the roof I slide to the other side to get a better view of the creature, but there’s nothing there. In just that moment my body starts to awaken. I wrote this right after.

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be a complex and symbolic representation of various aspects of your personal relationships, fears, and feelings of insecurity and unease. The beginning of the dream, with classmates and old friends showing up at your house unexpectedly, may suggest feelings of intrusion or invasion of your personal space or boundaries. The presence of the frozen meat in the sink could symbolize unresolved emotions or issues that are thawing or coming to the surface. The birthday theme in the dream may represent a desire for attention or recognition, but it seems to be overshadowed by feelings of disappointment and abandonment when you realize that your plans with Carl are not happening as expected. This could reflect a fear of not being valued or prioritized by those closest to you. The appearance of a threatening creature chasing you towards the end of the dream may symbolize anxiety or fear about something in your waking life that feels overwhelming or out of control. The fact that you realize you are in a dream and try to wake yourself up by calling for Carl suggests a desire for support and protection in times of distress. Overall, the dream may reflect a mix of feelings of vulnerability, insecurity, and a sense of being overwhelmed by external pressures or expectations. It may be beneficial to reflect on these themes and consider whether there are any underlying emotions or concerns that need to be addressed in your waking life. Working through these issues through self-reflection or talking to a therapist could help bring clarity and a sense of empowerment.