Date: 5/12/2017
By icantrideabike
So since I started keeping this dream journal a lot of my dreams have sort of come true. The general feeling of that dream came true two nights I dreamt about passing an exam - it wasn't me passing the exam part of the dream - it was just that I knew that I would pass it. And I did and it was really a miracle I am really surprised I did. A couple of nights ago I had a dream about the friend and how I would friendship was really great and stuff, The next day I had to call him in order to get a fever that nobody else can could have done and he did it really will. So today's theme I wasn't driving because I had drank alcohol and I was waiting for a bus or something like that transportation in general and my boyfriend and I we went to like a little café where they serve alcohol it was just this tiny place on the Littles steep slope and one of my ex classmates came in and in real life he killed the woman drunk driving and nobody likes him so he came in the little box and the barman attacked him just when he saw him he just attacked himand my boyfriend tried to interfere not really to defend him because he doesn't like you either but somehow he got into the fight and all of them roll down on the heel and when I went out it was moonlight and he was on the ground and he was hurt from an artrru on his head The blood was gushing and I could see it I panicked and tried to stop it and started counting 1234 Help and screaming for help. I woke up then I don't know how to feel about this