Dream Home

Date: 5/1/2021

By natassja666

At one point I was hanging out my first highschool boyfriend Colt. He lived in a trailer and his band was getting really successful. I think he was going to hire me for some kind of a job?? My daughter, who recently turned five walked all the way home from preschool by herself. None of the teachers noticed she was missing or when she was leaving. She told me she left when all of the children were playing outside without the teacher. I was so mad that she and all the other young kids had been unsupervised and went to the school and was getting angry at all of the teachers. I ended up pulling her out of preschool. My last dream was so nice, I had this big beautiful house with a huge back yard. I was looking out the back screen door and saw a few squirrels outside playing. I grabbed a thing of sunflower seeds to go share with them and when I went outside I had a pet pig that was so friendly and was rubbing up against me wanting pats. I was thinking of all the other animals I was going to adopt, including a skunk and was so happy.