
Date: 8/4/2018

By safvy

I was at someone’s house, I can’t remember much besides somehow getting a gun, I have no clue how, & killing more than five people. Looking them right in their eyes, seeing them beg for mercy, I shot, & Aimed for the head for instant death.. there were kids but I couldn’t kill them.. only adults. It was like a rage. Right after my killing spree, I left that place but I remember being scared, & worried. I was extremely sad that I killed those people and wanted to go to counseling but I couldn’t get enough balls to tell anyone. I thought I’d go to jail. I then started having realizations, in my dream I knew it was the devil. The evil spirit who can influence the lost. Who can control those who don’t have God in their life, or by there side. I knew it was him. I had a guy, (we seemed to be in a big city) ask if anyone can follow him to Manson (Manson is near Chelan, about three hours away) so I waited a bit before I said I could.. He told me to meet him back in this spot in a bit.. no time, no location, no phone, just his word. Next thing you know, I’m back on the same corner, but this time it’s a lady. She’s trying to offer me a job opportunity in Chelan ( I just moved back from there less than a week ago) but I had to reject & she was a tad bit not understanding. Next thing you know, I’m at a fancy dinner w/ my grandma I don’t get along w/ & she’s being rude to the server. Treating her like a slave —- I wake up