Date: 6/24/2024
By wahblamy
In the beginning of this dream I am in a gymnasium of what feels like a school and it is full of students. The thing is we're all adults. It's a rowdy feeling, everyone is interested in this one guy. He is getting married to this really hot girl right there in the gym. But it's like he's drunk and everyone around is leering and cheering because they either really want him to marry this girl or a different girl who is like already his girlfriend?? Who is a good match for him? But he is marrying - almost as a joke - this extremely slutty looking, tiny blonde girl with all kinds of work done. I'm one of the people who feel like this is blasphemy and I'm yelling that he's stupid and making the wrong decision. In my waking life I feel like it's drama for drama's sake, like maybe this happened in the olden days because we didn't have television. But everyone was involved and we didn't assume they were actors or anything.. The next scene I am in an apartment with Matt Cowan and we are having sex, it was very real, very detailed, I could feel everything. It was sort of like I knew he wasn't interested in a relationship and maybe I wasn't either but that we would get together to do this from time to time. I gave him my number and we discussed what our plans would be around Christmas. Then a ruckus happened outside the room and someone said that the dogs were here or something. We had two dogs in the house and went down many stairs to get two dogs that were coming to stay with us, one was one that I didn't like, he was old and stinky and badly behaved and rubbed his asshole on the carpet. It was like they were family dogs and came over themselves. So all the dogs are inside and I go upstairs with them. Next Rainey and Neen are there and even though it was me and Matt in bed it kind of projected that I was in bed with Rainey. Neen is now here and I'm feeling very self conscious of the whole situation. She doesn't know but it would be scary if she did find out. Omg I'm remembering another part from a dream beforehand about being outside and getting bitten on the hand by two tiny spiders. We were cleaning the backyard and I uncovered the same breed of spiden en masse but they had stronger venom. I thought it was dangerous so I told them I couldn't help with the backyard clean. The spiders that bit me were white and black and the spiders that were dangerous were red and white. The end!