Weirdest dream ever wife raped

Date: 3/31/2018

By c0ryp1

Had a dream last night that was super vivid. Started out in a school field with everyone walking around some weird shot happened and I don’t remember this part fully or if it was the same dream. Any ways the real weird shit was in this dream. It started out driving to some part in London that we must have been invited to by our friend(possibly from the school) it was on ojiboy street(doesn’t exist in London picked up a desk there ~2 days ago in town here). When we got there it was ghetto and rundown. Any ways inside the house we’re a lot of black guys but the main family was inbred trailer park family. So each of the 3 other girls and my wife had a black guy as a mentor type person talking about their “reawakening” and this went on for some time partying and eating. Then my wife and I ended up on the street again and as we were approaching my car I noticed what looked like a car door leaning against it and as I got closer I realized that it was the door skin of my door pulled off and the window was smashed with my speakers and passenger seat stolen. As I was loosing my shit we saw 3 big guys walking towards us and I immediately felt panicked/ impending doom so we hopped into the car and floored it while these 3 guys started running at us and smashing on my windows trying to get us. Ended up driving over a center median to excape them. After driving for a while we ended up back at the same house and rejoined the party. One of he gangster guys was getting me a drink and as he was walking back to me one of the other party members bumped him or some thing and when he got to me with the drink there was a pen on the table he then told me to go stab the guy with it I refused so he took the pen and then walked back towards the guy and stabbed him in the face it came out thru the bottom of his chin and the guy that stabbed him was twisting it around again super vivid I still remember the feeling of witnessing this. After this happened it went back to the “reawakening” ritual shit and they proceeded to take the wives away after they took mine I again started to lose my shit and tried to get outside but at the exit there was a guy hanging from the roof by body peircings thru his traps and shoulders that would not let me pass. I managed to get past him and then the dream changed to a hotel room with a big glass window overlooking a hall I saw the 3 other girls now wearing white dresses walking thru it back to the room my wife was not with them I again panicked but then she found me amongst the crowd and when I asked what happened she told me it they forced them to have sex with all of them to teach them what they like. She would not let me go ape shit and insisted we got out of there so we snuck into the hall and then they realized we were leaving and started to chase us we were running thru the stair well and I was sliding down the railings to make it faster we must have went to far cause we ended up in the bacement so I tuned towards a elevator down the hall and a man in a blue suit was waiting in it as we were still running the door began to close and we made it in. Inside I remember it was about a foot deep and just enough for the 3 of us to fit shoulder to shoulder. Backs against the wall and noses touching the door. No one spoke until The suited man got to his floor he then asked if we were ok and we said we were just trying to get out so he told us it’s at this floor and pressed the button the door completely disappeared and he was standing with the now open elevator cavity with shit whipping right past him almost catching him. We arrived at the entrance and as soon as I got outside(now daylight) I turned around to see if my wife was behind me still but befor I could make the complete turn I woke up. This entire dream felt extremely realistic and spanned across a entire day (morning night morning) even while waking up I still felt like it happened untill I realized I was in my room and then realized it was a dream