
Date: 5/10/2019

By Pandakitties

Sleep Paralysis dream I just remembered. I had fallen asleep during the day for a nap after texting my friends when suddenly I was woke up by banging. I can see my room and the light but I’m stuck looking at the wall and my hand. Suddenly I hear the sound of an engine reviving and then the obvious sounds of a chainsaw. I can hear it coming closer and the heavy foot steps of boots of its wielder. I remember thinking, as it came closer and eventually opened the door, that for my boyfriend to text me so the ding of the phone would wake me up, but it never happened. The chainsaw came into the room I could hear it so loud, and feel the static of the air. And then it cut into me, sawing my body in half opening me up. There was no pain, but a numb and tingling sensation like on a bouncing bus. And then it turned off and I was awake.