Date: 5/26/2019
By proxrpg739
It was at a water park up in some mountain camtnsay if it was in Colorado or wyoming but imma spitball and say wyoming. It started off in a hotel me and papa had a room next to eachother but the rest of the hotel was pretty much open for me and the rest of my graduating class and all my friends who graduated this year both from NC and Pomona. In the begining I go back and fourth from riding my bike around thencurves of the mountain enjoying the air and also dealing with what I would assume be problems around the hotel. At one point I head twords the bathroom and I’m talking with my old friend jhett from highschool seeing how he was and me talking about how I finally lost weight ( ironic he was the head football star in my old highschool and we actually got a long pretty ok. I almost accidentally walk into the girls bathroom but walk into the men’s instead I open a stall to see my old Midwest friends adda mariez and Evelin chilling. Of course I shut it to give them privacy but I get help from my old Colorado friend angel Montoya. She was in the same sour sweet cabbage patch mood she’s always in. A bit of reality had hit me almost to the point of making the dream lucid I got super exited to see all these people again. Feeling good I walk outside the bathroom walking in what felt like a completely diffrent direction, fly by sugar ray is playing in the background and so I start strutting to the song and singing with everybody. I walk past a group that felt like was my group of people I was singing as I passed by so all of us were smiling. From that point I pass my group and see a group of 4-5 people who would be what I call the smoking group, and I say that becuase they all had a cigarette over in this stairstep area which had a group of friends that I know smoke but for some reason tony from marching band was in the mix and I don’t think he has touched a cigarette in his life. At that point I woke up, hopefully I can enjoy a group of people like that in real life just as much as I did In that dream. I guess it’s time for summer to begin😉