Heavy (...in no particular order)

Date: 5/24/2019

By meeuhduh

John Malcovich was this oppressive obsessed man. I was a different race of humanoid I produced young out of what looked like one of those things at the bank you put your shit in and it vacuums it over. It was all so dark and depressing stressful. John Malcovich wanted to keep me he had this high rise apartment 900 or 909 there was significance to the number 9. I had 2 friends or they were family ? JM caught me he stuck a needle of something that made me knock out in my left buttock I told them to get out of here and run away. Had to escape JM then there was 2 leaders of like 2 factions almost like evil vs good but kind of more like in Lost Girl with the Dark and Light Fae. The leaders for some reason I had a past with the Dark leader changed from the same race as me who produced young often in those things and had to feed off of being in nature or being around heightened emotions. We were telekenetic and empathic but not telepathic. The Light leader was not the same race. Both of them at some point turned into a black goat (dark) and a white ram (light) I changed shape into a horned sheep and I was brown and I think some white spots? But I only turned enough to get away and I got to my bed. Mono and Luna were just watch them clash heads laying with me on my bed. At some point JM had locked me up somewhere and I was producing young and had no food or anything it was underground. I ate my offspring. The leader of the Dark was in female form and got me out she was shocked JM made me desperate enough even though she understood I ate them to survive I was starting to mutate because I ate them. Vaguely I remember the Dark and Light agreeing to change my form or give me a new body or something because it wasn't my fault I chose that so the Dark couldn't claim victory but the Light couldn't keep me because of the fact I ate these offspring. I got a new body and the man I loved was telling me who I was and what I was like but since I was a new person essentially I didn't love him and he didn't know me he was just trying to hold on to the memory of the old me. Some point there was a silver amulet on a table in an important room the leader of the Dark was there she said something to piss me off so I held down the amulet telekenetically so she couldn't grab it. I think she tried to smash it with a hammer so I couldn't have it either but I could keep it intact with my power. There was a part I revisited an old small City and I saw pictures of the old me with my best friend she was blonde and beautiful I loved her so much like a sister kind of but I think I just loved her beyond that it was so much. I felt angry at JM for taking that life from me I think she was dead or something just very far away I could never reach her again. I remember trying to make a portal on my floor but I didn't know how to program it to either go to the Dark realm or the Light realm so I stopped. It went on and on so many dreams I can barely remember but that was all the main shit I remember.