Abandoned theme park

Date: 9/5/2018

By Leonus

In this dream I was at school waiting for the bus. my brother in law and sister in law were there waiting as well as my husbands disabled friend Aaron. While we waited, this girl and I kept arguing and eventually Cameron (brotherin law) had to stop her from bullying me. It was taking a long time for the bus to arrive. I had to get home and do stuff since it was Friday. People were starting to wonder if the bus was even going to come. Finally it arrived. Now this place was set in the future and the roads were on tracks which meant you were right next to tall buildings passing by. The bus started and I looked out the window and could see an abandoned hospital with purple and white walls. It made me wonder if anyone was still using it or if it would collapse. When I was on the bus I didn't know where I should get off. Part of me wanted to go the forest. (This forest I can remember in my other dreams.) but I had stuff to do. Soon it was getting dark and I think I may have fallen asleep on the bus because when I woke up.. I wasn't on the bus. I was high up on a track in what seemed like a giant theme park. It was some type of rollercoaster. Anyways, we were very high and when I looked down we were taller than the tallest building. I though to myself, "if this thing breaks I'm dead.." The rollercoaster creaked and sputtered from age. We were coming up to some sharp turns and as it whizzed around my heart skipped a beat. It felt so unstable I was sure we'd fall. Holding my breath I endured. As we turned and rode on I heard screams from down below, like the underworld. Black smoke seemed to be coming from underneath us, twisting and curling like a fire. Then we came to a stop. We were at the "end" of the ride and the operator told us to stay seated. I looked around for an exit but there were only 4 doors and I was the only one that seemed to want to get off. I wondered if Cameron and his wife were still on, I couldn't see them. A voice told me: "He woke up." I thought to myself 'this can't be a dream, can it?'. Somehow I managed to get off the ride and escape. I ended up in someone's house with my husband Ben and his friend as well as some disabled folk. I was so confused so I kept looking for a way out. There were were places I thought I could hide but everywhere I went I felt I was being followed, and I was. I found a gate outside and attempted to jump it. That's when the home owner noticed and suddenly people were chasing me down the street. I had nowhere to go except for back in the house since there was chaos outside. I soon realized that I was in the house of the operator from the abandoned rollercoaster. He was a young man and had tan skin. He told us that he built the theme park for disabled people and built a home for them to stay so they could have fun forever. I felt out of place here because I wasn't physically disabled. anyways that's the end of my dream..