🔨 Flee The Facility And Dark 🏠 ➕ BONUS 🏫 DREAM

Date: 10/4/2019

By CalMehJuly

The beast was caging many people up. A few people including me hid in places. I wanted to help free the people caged but... All of a sudden I'm in a dark how wheres there... A KILLER IS IN A DARK HOUSE IM IN AND IM HIDING WITH THIS GIRL ON THE BED BY HIDING UNDER THE... BLANKETS. I kinda knew i was dreaming. The man was killing the girl next to me. Stabbing her with a knife constantly. I was playing dead and staying still as I can. I can hear his voice and her screams. I wanted to help her but I too was afraid of being killed. I even thought and imagined myself running away to get to the police station or run far away from this place. But I've thought of a MILLION ways running away could go wrong... The door could be stuck When running I wont run far enough He will kill me before I even make it OUT OF THE DOOR ALIVEEE But all of a sudden we are alive in another unvierse where she and I survived. But this time 2 other people our slash her friends are here and the killer didnt arrive...or did he? ➕ SCHOOL DREAM IM TRYing to open my locker IDK WHICH one is my locker The school looks different I freak out My friend waits for me I tell her to go to thr bus without me I ask this woman a janitor to help me She does but shes useless I freak out The busses go out I'm lost