i ripped open a wolf monster’s face

Date: 1/30/2019

By em2002

jan 29, 2019 there was like apocalypse thing going on but it only seemed to be going on in my house? like the basement was very very messy and all destroyed and the walls were boarded up and there was this portal or something in the basement that was spawning monsters that would come upstairs and try to kill me & my family but we couldn’t do anything but stay upstairs and wait for the monsters to come upstairs,,,, so this neon green and blue wolf with long ass fangs and spider-like eyes came upstairs and i remember being really scared but i was the hero of the family and i felt like i had a duty to protect them so i chased it to the front door (which was boarded up and so were the windows) and i grabbed this thing by the mouth with my bare hands and tried to pry its mouth open while it was growling and biting down on my fingers with its sharp ass teeth but my fingers weren't bleeding at all? so i kept prying his mouth open and it started to budge so i pulled harder and ended up ripping off the top half of his head. and i remember keeping his snout and face as like victory trophies or some shit. anyway so after that this weird purple sphere came up from the basement right after i’d killed the wolf monster and it had blue hair in a ponytail and round circles with dots in the middle for eyeballs and for some reason me and my brother were terrified as hell and my mom and sister were calm and collected and were like “that thing only affects boys!” and thats all i remember gn