Tent w art piece

Date: 12/20/2017

By pheeniealexandra

It was nighttime in my dream. I was in a tent kinda in the road but there was still room to move, like a large tent. With casey, and you. And it was like home base for stuff, one of them being a giant art sculpture. That represented trump vs Obama. And trump vs Hillary. They were life-size replicas mounted on to large poles probably 200 ft high. And these hick kinda fratty kids put up the trump. And we were putting up one of them. But we also had to write an essay about it and it was also super dangerous to get lifted up to that height. So everyone had gone home for the day except us few in the tent. Isaiah radios in and he's like "so, mike and I just walked by some bullying. Should we do something?" And I'm like "yes! Do something!" And Isaiah tells me he's whistling, as we're talking, this large truck drives up and I expect them to just go around us, like everyone else had?, but instead they - these two trucker guys - stop right at the window and look at us. And I'm like "you can go around. We can't really move." And I'm like, in a bitchy mood and mostly worried about these kids getting bullied but I also still had to write this essay and we hadn't even put up our side of the art piece! So I tell this guy basically to fuck off. And then I'm just like "fine, you know what? Fine." So I get out and just start dragging the tent like two feet more, away from the road, so the truck will more easily fit. And as I'm doing this I hear the one guy in the car, he looks kinda sleazy and scary, tell is truck partner he's getting "his scissors" and "that bitch deserves a lesson" so at this point freaking out a bit. But I'm still outside at night trying to move the tent for this shithead. He's just mad I said no in the first place. So I walk back to the other side towards the entrance and as I do, this guy rounds the corner from the opposite way and starts clipping his scissors menacingly. I am aware my first biggest fear is that he'll cut my hair off. My second being that he would just stab me. So my thought is just to get into the tent, because you like kind of knew this scissor guy and I knew you could talk him down for me. So I need to get back into the tent so you could help me. Both me and this dude are about equal distance from the entrance and he knows I want to get inside. So my plan is to literally dive inside ending with a barrel roll because because I think you'll protect me? But the dude also knows that's where I'm aiming and he starts running at me with the scissors as I start running towards the tent and then I woke up. Around 5AM. Frozen and with the chills. It was scary