Date: 1/18/2020
By TFaith64
Feel asleep in the living room chair after reading a few chapters of my book some interesting dreams occurred... The main dream which was my basic sleep paralysis demon. Kindly paralyzing me from the mouth down, where i felt numbing and tingling sensations from my jaw all the way down to my hands. The whole purpose of the dream was to wake up as i felt the tingling intensify more and more as the dream when on. I felt helpless as I drifted off into shorter dreams. I tried crying out, trying to move myself off the chair onto the living room floor. To trying different brain simulation activities to try to “wake up my mind”. The whole series was visually stimulating which is why i wasn’t as afraid as normal. I haven’t been having nearly as many dreams as of late. If i was to feel myself “Vibrating” and “in and out of consciousness (aka constant dream transitions, that become overwhelming.) then i would of been scared. The two transitions that I remember are going into an “anime music video” which involved a lot of sing overs scenes, a bridge scene involving fast spinning camera rotations that i could feel. Wrestling with the pre-chorus of the song by it almost knocking me off of a very height inducing bridge. But overall feeling the power of the song rush inside of me as i mouthed all the lyrics. I could not speak to anyone else or let them know that this was happening to me, it was just the flow of the song. The song that was used was “Pyscho Pass OP 1(..?) the Reol cover. Very powerful and emotional cover. I use to listen to it a lot a few years ago. Overall my sleep paralysis demon was much nicer to me than usual compared to the past. She usually only becomes a problem for a short bit of time if I’ve been abnormally stressed for a long period of time. As long as i get these trippy, almost adventure type of dreams from her than I’m not mad that she visited today.