
Date: 2/4/2023

By Aler

I am preparing for an appearance on a late night talk show. I am behind a curtain with 2D green creatures latching on to my arms. It’s painful but I don’t mind. A band plays. I awkwardly try to sing along, but then launch into a monologue. I tell if portals to other planes, which can be opened by placing something into a jar, writing runes around the edge, sealing it with wax paper then pressing sneaking it. The monologue takes 25 minutes. The audience is rapt. Then I say “Just kidding” and everyone laughs. After the show, I invite someone to the office backstage. I tell them about the portals, and offer to show them one. They whose the plant portal. I show them a demon I pulled out earlier - a shy folded paper snake that scurries off and changes colour. I place a leaf into a jar, write along the rim, then seal and unseal it. There is a universe of plants inside, with the drive to grow and nothing else. When we leave, the other person is shot by a distant sniper. I am also shot, but, I have opened a portal to a plane of flesh that will heal me. In a second dream, I am investigating something in a city. I explore the city, looking for downtown. I navigate like in google maps, clicking forward instead of walking. There is no pretty downtown, just poverty. I find the walking bridge to the twin city in the other side of the harbour. It’s much nicer. I dodge traffic and enter the detectives second home. It’s messy but cozy. I recognize my childhood toys that have since been lost. He also has a little batleth, but it’s not that impressive. He also has portal jars, including one to the plane of blood. We start to solve the mystery, tying the case to a realtor. Flying over the city, backwards in a plane. It flips to point the right way. I point out a flock of sleeping eagles in trees to my mother. In a third dream, I’m helping Friends at the Table prepare for the second season of Sangfielle. Austin is pouring resin on a 3D map of the game world, making notes. There is a plan to generate stats using vinyl records, but one character is too powerful. I suggest replacing one of their albums with one chosen at random. The random album is a set of beeps and clicks designed to help you efficiently play video games. There was more, but this is what I remember.