University of hell

Date: 8/13/2024

By Chaos/SSJ

I had this weird dream where i went to this unique university and there was magic and stuff. At first everyone had 2 backpacks, they had us lined up putting our backpacks on hooks and leaving them there. I knocked this one guys backpack over and it turned out he was a special genius. He cane back to grab everything that fell out and i helped him. He had a bunch of dating simulator games for the switch and some notebooks, among that he actually had an ai girlfriend on his phone. I didn’t mind, but after helping get his stuff up, we joined the others in line through the hallways, I remember i was walking with my hands behind my back and my nose up as wed walk below the sidewalk of the hall to allow another group to walk by. The school was so busy that it literally had its on form of roads in the halls. After a while i made it to my room where i was talking to some lady dressed as deadpool, i remember making jokes about her not being able to heal when this lady from outside threw a piece of giant bread over the fence gate. The lady dropped out the window, it wasn’t a far jump, and begun tossing the bread back to her in defiance. They kept tossing it back and forth speaking, little did i know what they were saying . I chose to mind my own business and head off to my room. I started talking to myself then realized that there were vent and other classmates could possibly hear me. I tried to talk in a way to test if anyone could hear me, first by going “haaaaa” in a pitch that would catch someones attention. As i was about to give up, something felt off. It was as if my voice had sonar and i could see into the room above me. I saw a head with no body. I assumed i was imagining things until someone said “I don’t know how i almost didn’t hear you.” I simply asked whats up and we began talking for bit but for some reason he started screaming and it was as if i had sonar again. I could see the person being killed by a white tentacle of light coming from no where. Thats when i knew there was no falsehood in my visions. As i left my room it wasn’t even to my surprise that later that night i saw so many dead bodies everywhere, i assumed everyone was dead and figured i had just survived. I returned to my room thinking there wasnt much i could do and decided to go to the bathroom, on the way i noticed a flashing light in a room and opened it, it was these 2 kids watching tv. Apparently there was some lore here that i knew about in the dream. Supposedly they asked me to hide them in the room but got hungry and ordered pizza thinking all pizza is free for university students and didn’t know theyd have to pay as long as they had it brought to their dorm… which meant i had to pay 20$ for a pizza i didn’t eat. I told them id take care of it and keep hiding in the room, they pleaded they were sorry but their story was 7 hours of being stuck in there and they couldn’t help but get hungry. As I reconfirmed it was alright, i left them to their hidden room and begun to think that i needed to start paying attention to what was going on. As I walked through the apartment, i saw my brother crying on the floor. When i asked him what was wrong he just said “idk, there’s just so many dead bodies and blood everywhere”. I looked around and he was right. It looked like 20 people died just in our apartment, most are roommates were dead… i told him id figure something out and that’s when i woke up, as i dozed back to sleep i had the dream of that woman throwing that bread over the fence again. I picked it up and threw it back to her talking and asking her questions. The more we talked the more we hung out, the more we hung out, the more i didn’t like it. At one point she took me to a place where i had to use my university card to get in but i was denied access. Me, someone who took education seriously and had access to anywhere i wanted, couldn’t get it. Thats how i knew we weren’t supposed to be there. Her and her friend stepped out of the car and told me to drive to another spot and maybe the card reader will open the gate. I figured it was worth one more chance but i knew something was up. By the time i came back to see if the gate had opened, it was, and there was blood. I knew i wasn’t the one who opened the gate. “We’re going back in we went in to check it before you got back. Comeon” and so i remained calm and walked through. It was a staircase, the walls covered in tools with blood, as i was walking i bumped into a pitchfork that stabbed me pretty good on my arm, I didn’t wanna bring any attention to myself so i pretended like it didn’t get me. As i got to the bottom of the stair case following a trail of blood, i saw a pit, a dig out spot that was at least 15 feet deep, before i could finish analyzing what i was seeing, i was pushed in from behind. I was completely fine but there were a lot of dead boddies. I looked up at the woman who was now transforming into a demon with wings sho rushed at me and bit. I begun to turn into wood but i know I wasn’t dead, i heard the words “hes too powerful, even in this state youll still have to overpower him” i guess i blacked out because i woke up in the middle of an apartment. I stepped outside and sat down on the step trying to process what happened, but i felt i was watched. I looked around but the shadows were too dark. Finally someone walked up to me. I remember taking on a battling stance while trying to ask questions but i guess the excitement woke me up for good