Magical Slide Field Trip

Date: 9/1/2018

By L3x1O

One dream I was going to my first middle school field trip. Then me and my friends saw a machine dying peoples clothes blue for boy pink for girl. But the boys and girls were still in the clothes while in the machine. Then this one kid said “ But I need to wear my field trip suit!” And the teacher said “Too bad!” Then me and this other kid walked to a shop I’m gonna call the other kid John. John bumped into this lady with these really loooong coins. I, the nice girl I am picked them up while John did not do anything. Then the lady said “Aww you’re so sweet here have this.” And handed me a long 60$ coin.Then I said “WOAH 60 credits?!” (Even though it was 60 dollars but I’m not complaining) .Flash forward I was at this place and this magical gal was there with me let’s call her Galaxy. So Galaxy was flying with me because we had to go to a slide for some reason and we did. I went head first and kinda got hurt no really tho. And then there were these things on the side but that is not important. Than Galaxy game down the slide. Then something magical happens but I don’t remember Bye!