Finding Dante

Date: 12/16/2018

By leathecage

I apparently had this boyfriend named Dante, and he could turn into a dog. He was apparently a dog I had since childhood, and he was all black and was wolf-like. I had memories of strange events happening that couldn't be explained. For instance, I'd fall off of a play structure but I would float gently and land on my feet before I hit the ground. And another memory of me making a mess and having everything Mary Poppins itself and float back into place before I got in trouble. It was all Dante's doing, and since I was an adult, he was now human, and my boyfriend I guess. But one day, Dante disappeared. When I asked my family about him they had no idea who I was talking about. Afraid, I got this feeling that he might be somewhere waiting for me. I ran out of my house, which was actually my aunt's house irl, and started running down the road calling out for Dante. These construction workers looked at me like I was insane. I ran two miles before I got to my actual irl house, and went inside. I ventured through the house and onto the back balcony. These two women were their, and they were making fun of me. I didn't care, for my focus was on finding Dante. I climbed down this rope from the balcony and down to the ground. The two women followed me because they were intrigued by my quest. All three of us ventured through the forest and I kept calling out Dante's name. Eventually, we reached this clearing, and there was a gnarly looking stump in the middle of this oasis, a beam of light hitting it from above. And that's where the dream ends...