Jealous of Husband’s “friend”

Date: 2/3/2022

By SammyDawn55

Been having a lot of dreams lately in which my husband is friends with another woman who is obviously crushing on him and he just seems oblivious. I’m always super jealous and he’s just like “what?” For reference, he owns a snow plow company. So we were in his truck, all 3 of us, on our way home when he started sliding on the road and missed our driveway. He ended up in someone else’s driveway and was kind of stuck, so ne and the girl got out of the truck and started walking toward our house. He managed to get unstuck and was back on the road, we were standing there watching. Then a kind of crowd was forming and he started driving all around, kind of showing off. I kind of rolled my eyes at this point and kept walking home, saying “now he’s just showing off” to which the other woman replied “he’s not showing off Samantha, he’s trying to get unstuck” or something like, but used my full name the way he does with me and I was like um hell no, you don’t get that privilege. I didn’t reply though and kept walking home. Like I know my husband, he’s a Leo and loves attention, he’s definitely showing off, he does it all the time. So then I get home and it’s my childhood home for some reason and my mom is there waiting for us. I had ordered macdonalds and it was there so me and her just start eating and then eventually the other two come home. My husband is grateful I got us food, but I don’t share with her. Then I don’t remember too much other than us having conversations and me just being super sarcastic and snarky with her and my husband eventually being like “Sam, what the hell?” And so I tell him that she’s a know it all and has been rude to me and I’m not putting up with it, and he actually agrees with me and tells her she has been kind of rude to me which she hates obviously. Then that’s it, I moved on to other dreams.