Date: 5/1/2021
By AraceliM
Two nights in a row I had a dream that I was being taught how to manifest physical things with my mind. I felt in such accomplishment and satisfaction to be there with them( I dont know who them where I just know it was more than one and I was being taght). Firt night it was a rock, I was manifesting new rocks with soley concentrating it with my mind. They guided me more on my concentration to align it accurately. Then I woke up I know there were more details but that's all I remember. The second night it was with the same teachers/masters/guides and this time it was dealing with trees and the rest I do not remember. The feeling overall was very uplifting and motivating. I am fascinated by the ability we have to manifest things with our minds at to see a glimpse of it in my dreams was amazing and an absolute blessing.