
Date: 4/4/2021

By wahblamy

The first part I can remember I am with Kirstie and we're pulling up to a convenience store at night. It feels like I might be on vacation in Cape Breton. When we get into the store there are a ton of young people there, all lined up for the cash, socially distanced but no one is there to ring us through. It is covid times but the kids are partying and not quite following all the rules. It feels like I am the only adult around and something is happening that I need to take care of. I make phone calls etc. I think some kids are doing drugs and it gets a bit rowdy. So I am in one of my old family feels most like the Hammonds Plains one but has a bit of a Selkirk vibe too. I'm living back at home again as an adult and I'm in my basement room. I really want bunk beds so that I can accommodate guests if they come. My dad actually puts the bunk beds together in an upstairs room, it is purple and metal and very weak. The bottom bunk is a double bed and stronger and the top bunk is a single and Jordan M sleeps there. The mattress is just a thin foam thing and when he gets up there to check it out I can see the whole thing dipping. Even though it's my childhood home, everything is really plain, it's not warm and feels kind of foreign to me. I'm on the phone with Vive at one point but she is in the house at night and I am somewhere else. She is looking out the window to the lake and she can see the moon is huge. From what I know that she is seeing I feel like it is so beautiful but she is complaining about it. She can see a few dogs in the backyard on a trampoline and some older folks getting together to play music. She is saying how I need to move away from there and that everything is tacky. She says that I can't be living with my parents even though I'm saving so much money. This goes on for a while. Next scene I am in the kitchen with my mom and I'm trying to comfort her but I'm not really sure how. She is making toast or comfort food of some kind and somehow I'm laying the back of my head on her shoulder. I'm telling her that maybe changing so quickly is hard, that we're letting go of everything we ever were before and to not be afraid of the shifts that are taking place. I knew I was trying to console her but she was very sad and frustrated but still kind. We watched a Liam Neeson action movie together and that cheered her up. There is a small scene where I enter a grocery store and am quickly looking to get something and get out and guy comes up to me. He's a young guy, skinny and a little wirey and he's asking me if I've seen Erica. I know Erica is in the store but I'm not sure if I want to give this man her location. He says that he's in love with her and that she's amazing and this and that. We end up going into a weird different room (like a waiting room with glass walls) and he's talking my ear off about her. He says he's lost weight and he's a different person and he wants to shoot his shot again. As we're sitting in there there is a line of people coming in and we're watching them. Jess is there and he takes a liking to her and talks about her big butt. I feel like the whole thing is a whirl wind and that he is a bit manic but at the same time I wonder why he's not interested in me even though I'm very much not interested in him. The end.