Movers arrive with bear and fight breaks out

Date: 5/24/2021

By cathywithac

I had a dream of a doorbell ringing at my daughters house in LA and I answered it. It was a make and female. Male had dark hair and a beard female was tall and they had accents. They had a huge amount of furniture outside the front door and a small bear off a leash. I told them we don’t have scheduled movers since she has already moved in. I said that they must have the wrong house. They pushed there way in an started arguing with me. The bear started coming in and sniffing. My daughter had a baby wild cat like a lion or a African cat sleeping upstairs. I grabbed the lions collar and told them to leave and I told my daughter to call 911. As the woman came in she went over to the sink and tried to get hot water in a cup to throw it at me. I grabbed her hair and pulled her towards the stairs to throw her down but as I was dragging her the bear was sniffing in and heading towards where the baby cat was. I took one hand and grabbed the bears collar and held him so he wouldn’t find the cat. The other hand was fighting off this woman. I told her to get the fuck out and she said she didn’t have the paperwork on the furniture move and had to call her office but wouldn’t know for 2 days. I was yelling at her to get out and said “if you brought some furniture to the house without knowing who it was for and had no paperwork I was calling the police. I was screaming for Gabriella to call 911 but it was taking her too long. I was still grabbing the bear trying to protect Gabriella’s cat. Then I woke up.