Date: 2/11/2018
By angiebobandi
amanda made a 40 sec music video about us at a carnival and upload on instagram. it was really good and to the song the king is half undressed. It starts by zooming towards around this stone house in a lake. There's a door on top that had a witchy looking finger come out of it and do that finger wag like "come come" then the door quickly shut. The camera continued to pan around the house onto the side that was facing the lake. It was me and her and a bunch of people we know in real life riding these pretty glittery seahorses in the air with her singing along to half undressed. Weird part was we started out as paper heads then turned into humans. It was super trippy looking with the water and wind swooshing about. Then it goes to another scene which I forgot. I remember thinking damn amanda's really good at making music videos.