Thick as Thieves

Date: 11/21/2016

By Katie_Rose

My friends and I were all at school when we all started drinking, then suddenly we all decided to run outside and start dancing with our clothes off. We promptly got arrested, as you could imagine, but my best friend and I got away in time. We ran past these fence gates and down this steep hill and we ducked behind some bushes and hid until they left. Then we made our way to an old clubhouse of ours. We were just hanging out when we found this old garbage bag that we both remembered vividly. It was from a previous dream I had actually. In the other dream, all of my friends and I for some reason had to kill a guy and rip his heart out, and in this bag was that heart. I started searching frantically through the bag and what we had done started to really scare me. I realised what would happen to us if they found it. I realised that we had to burn it, and I started thinking of possible excuses that we could use if they did find it. We could say that he attacked us. Then I woke up.