Why Split up the Dogs?

Date: 4/24/2020

By wahblamy

The first part was an anxiety dream which woke me up and kept me awake for a few minutes. I dreamt that I had a farm and I didn't know where to grow everything. It was not detailed or deeply significant but the excitement of having a farm mixed with the stress of actually making one work woke me up...it's pretty relevant to my life right now. So the dream after that I was walking through a hotel. This entire (probably 3 part) dream was in a huge, white, brick building it seemed. With stores and schools and hotels contained inside. So I was in this hotel and I was with my friend René, we were going to get some food or something when we ran into Dan, his twin brother. Dan seemed intoxicated and wanted me to come to his room with him but was definitely non committal about it. He half wanted me or wanted me and didn't want to admit it. I followed with him for the promise of a sexual encounter but felt bad for ditching René (this kind of thing actually would happen in real life). I can't remember how the whole situation figured itself out, but I like to hope that I got frustrated and dumped his ass. The next scene I am coming down some stairs in front of the "school". There are many people milling about and it is a scorching hot, beautiful summer day. The lighting is golden and it feels like we're in the South. I go outside to a patio table set up in the front lawn. Katharine is sitting there with one other person. We share a few words and it mostly just feels calm...a man comes and sits down...I completely ignore him. I don't know who he is or why he is connected to the table but I make no effort to say hello, ask questions or even make eye contact. I glaze over him entirely. There are a few long awkward moments (weird for a dream!) and then a child comes to the table. I am ecstatic for the distraction and start to chat with the child animatedly, very interested. It occurs to me within the dream what is happening here. So the next part I go back inside the same way I came out and I get a phone call from my mom, I chat with her briefly and then make my way up the stairs. I meet with Rhea and we go to the Asian dollar store. We load up on candy and bits and bobs and make our way through the queue just chatting and laughing. I feel a connection to her past through my past. We make our way out of the store and then part ways, I go down the escalator. The next part is hard to remember but I was with Bran and possibly Cat and we were outside, like on the edge of a field. One of Bran's dogs was running through the field and the other was with us at our sides. There was something about splitting the dogs up or leaving one there or something. There was also a similar connection to Bran as I had with Dan...I must release this cycle. The end.