The Beginnings of a Xenomorph Nightmare

Date: 1/20/2019

By fluffytree

I dreamt I was in a desert world where these races using mini remote controlled cars were all the rage. There's no buildings for as far as the eye can see, only desert. The only outcropping nearby is a small mini bar manned by Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) that would serve drinks to racers. I had a memory that he was also the captain of a space vessel that I was apart of the crew of that I assume was orbiting this planet. Suddenly there was a timeskip and I just found myself not only racing but I was literally inside driving one of these cars, which meant I had to be tiny to even fit in. It was odd because I had two perspectives of the world, one where everything looked huge as I raced through the endless waves of sand dunes and another from my view as normal-sized. I wasn't winning at all and seemed to be waay behind. It got even worse when I went careening into a small ravine. The Rock came to help me out but when I touched his hand I had a vision of something he was keeping secret behind the bar. It was undoubtedly at least five Xenomorph eggs and I don't think he had any idea the danger they posed. I could slightly read his thoughts and memories. He bought them at a high price from some galactic merchant on some crappy space port before we got here and was told that could be the perfect creatures to create a virtually unstoppable army with. Not only that but they could take over injured warriors and make them 10x as strong as before. Seems that merchant was mixing truth with fiction and its no wonder the Rock bought into it. When I began snapping out of the vision I started to tell him about how dangerous those eggs were and to destroy them immediately but then I got another vision of those eggs and saw that one of them was beginning to hatch. It may already be too late. I woke up shortly afterwards.