Time warp, hair cuts and haunted houses.

Date: 1/25/2018

By Pandakitties

The dream started with a group of friends from high school, my mother and I sitting in a shed somewhere. We were discussing tattoos, where to get them, what they should look like, and decided that we should all go get walk in tattoos. One by one we exit the shed and suddenly we seem to be set back in time to a hair dresser. All my friends were young, I was young too, maybe around 6 or 7. No one seemed to notice or care that we just got teleported into a different dimension. My mother was there, but I felt differently about her, like she was more of a caretaker than my mother. With no recollection of my sudden time warp, I’m sitting in this chair about to receive a hair cut by a young woman. She seemed nervous, and instead of standing behind me she was in front of me and leaning over my head to cut the back of my hair. She snipped once and pulled back with a handful of hair. I instantly lost my 6 year old mind, grasping for the hair that was missing in the back but not from the sides. I begged for someone to fix it but they said I was doomed to have a chunk of hair missing from the back of my head. Devastated, we left walking back towards our home. We seemed to be in a group home and my mother was now our caretaker who we still called Momma for whatever reason. We had to walk through this sketchy part of town that had to be locked by gate every block. Every gate we came into trouble, people try to get in, pulling on the gate, pushing us aside trying to break in. It was frustrating, a group of kids attempting to lock these gates from angry adults. But eventually we got through them into the home. The home was a large Victorian style house, with the balconies and the thick trim. Although I never been in the house before, I could feel hauntings within. Flashes, like old memories, of chairs moving, shadows creeping across doorways and falling pictures. That night when the sun went down I was in the bathroom trying to fix the mess the hairdresser made of my hair. I could faintly hear a vacuum going off downstairs. When I got my hair to all the same length which was a touch shorter than shoulder length, I opened the door to see one of the kids, his name was Jeremy, sitting on the edge of the first step looking down. I sat beside him, the memory flashes happened again of a chair falling over, and some lights flickering. He stared down the stairs where the sound of the vacuum was coming from. Peeking down, I could only see the curve of the stairs and down to the last step where my visibility was cut off. He looked at me with concern, “do you believe me now?” I said. “I told you this place was haunted.” He looks behind me, as if some ghost was standing there watching us. Then he points down at the stairs, “why is momma vacuuming so late?” “That’s not momma,” I say solemnly. As if on cue, the vacuuming stops and is replaced with a raging fire that starts at the bottom of the stairs and works it’s way up quickly like following a trail of gasoline. I jump away but Jeremy is not so lucky. It seems to reach out to him like a group of hands, engulfing him. He screams as he wreathes on the floor and I scream at the fire. Unsure what I actually said, but I point and scream and it seems to recoil back. Slowly traveling back down the stairs leaving alone my scalded friend. The last thought I had before I woke up was “I have powers.”