Photoshoots and AA meetings

Date: 8/12/2018

By montaukdreaming

Ok so this was a long vivid weird one. First I was with a group of surfers at some cave and my buddy Jordon was there too with all his camera along with mine. I forgot my flash but we were going to go shoot all these sharks and wildlife in this cave and I had my over and under port so I could get the outside of the cave and all the sharks in one shot. So Jordon lent me his flash housing and it was super small. And the batteries were dying in the flash. I never got to shoot in the cave. Then I somehow ended up at gurneys Resturant with nothing on but a towel and my camera gear. I was running down all these infinite stair cases and they were carpet so I was sliding down them fast and everyone was yelling at me that I was ruining my town reputation. My old dentist kept shaking his head at me. I know all the back ways to the beach in gurneys but for some reason I got lost and ended up on top of the bar and I asked the bartender how to get to the spa so I could sneak out to the beach and he said I had to go back up the steps. And I looked up and had to jump really high to get back to where I started. But I did it and made my way into the spa. And out the door onto the beach and we were at Atlantic Terrace all of a sudden and pat Havlic and Tyler Maguire were about to go surfing and I got excited to go swim out and photograph them and I saw Justin Burkle show up and ready to shoot them and I said fuck it im going anyway. I had my flash on still and it was barely working. And all of a sudden all these swimmers came in and started crowding the whole line up. And these two surfers were super close to me. And I started splashing water in their faces to get away and kept asking them if they knew where they were at or lost or something. Just bring a real local asshole. The one big guy was like yeah do you know about DJ funk flex cause he’s on his way out. And all of a sudden I was like oh shit. Who did I talk Shit too. And I was trying to tell him I’m sorry and that I have a famous rap music producer friend as well Harry Fraud (totally name dropping) and asked him if he knew L boogie and all these other rap icons I know. He was like well see tomorrow. Then I go into the hardware store and he’s there behind the desk with all these older dudes who work there. Beef was squashed. (I’m exhausted already writing all this) ok so I’m traveling In bridgehampton one morning and decide to hit a Morning AA meeting their and i get a text from my mom saying your dad went to a COA meeting this morning can you believe it?! And I’m sitting in my AA meeting and I look over and see my dad. And he begins sharing. Has no idea how to introduce himself, share, when to stop, cross talking. And he just like high jacked my meeting. Meanwhile I’m sitting next to my ex Caroline who loves my dad Gus. And she’s like isn’t it so great your dad is here and I didn’t say anything. Meanwhile Gavin has a Polaroid camera and is taking pictures of everyone and I’m thinking well that Shit is wrong since its anonymous and I open this armoire and peak out jail like bars and say take a picture of me and he doesn’t. So the meeting is wrapping up and people who didn’t have rides Home ask me for rides to montauk and I say sure but im starving and have to eat and I’m not leaving right away. Then all of a sudden in the confusion of who’s going with who my dad takes Off with Caroline and some other guy to Southampton to drop them off leaving me stranded and I’m like what the fuck? I call his cell and new it would be on speaker blue tooth and say purposefully that maybe if they didn’t have a fucking car or ride to begin with they should of sorted that Shit out before coming here and now leaving me stranded when I have shit todo. So I somehow teleport to this mansion in Southampton where they live I’m at the bottom of the pool this gay kid is swimming naked over head and I can only make out a silhouette of his body and he has a gigantic dick. I come up from the bottom and he has a real bitch attitude and he’s toweling off and I throw this mini baseball bat at him and missed and hit the door next to him. He looked back and snarled and kinda walked off all bitchy. Next thing I know I’m in the kitchen with my dad and they said oh no they are coming and all these Russian monsters show up with pistols with silencers and my dad was making chicken and was getting blood all over himself and covered in it and I knew he wasn’t shot but he looked like he was. I went out into the drive way jumped in my truck and joe Ohaire was in it. We’re driving somewhere even further from montauk and we’re on a highway. I get a text from leif saying that they canceled his huge surf trip to Bali to film his next surf film and how bummed he was and too watch all his trailers. So joe and I are watching leif do these double backflips via GoPro video attached to his board and it’s insane and we keep trying to go back and watch it again but it keeps going to motocross. I woke up after that. Thank god.