Trees of Ash and Snow

Date: 12/31/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I'll admit, it's been a while since I had any dreams where I remembered what happened or where they weren't so emotionally scaring that I forced myself to bury those memories away deep in some tiny crack of my skull. *sees that I haven't uploaded a dream since September, including a dream that haven't been finished nor made public* Well. Shit. ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁ It seemed like a day like I was coming home from work, probably some time close to the evening. Or so I thought. I was in the backseat with my brothers and my parents were in the front, with Dad driving. We were on the way home, appearing closer to the end of the road, closer to our driveway. Our house was the last on the left when entering the street, and further down were the five houses that surround the cul-de-sac, behind them huge, tall trees that make up a thick forest barrier from the downtown railroad tracks. I think I dozed off in the car during the trip home (my dad is an amazing driver) and taking notice of my surroundings, I started to wake up more and looked around my neighborhood though the window. At first, I noticed how everything was in a dark blue tint, so I really did think it was close to the evening. The sky was covered by dark clouds, but there was some wind blowing, so through some gaps of those clouds, there were some sky blueness that could be seen. Because of that, I thought maybe it was due to a storm coming by soon. When parking into the driveway and getting it of the car, I noticed more of the sky, the nearly black clouds swiftly floating through the sky, covering most of the blue. I saw a hint of it and something sparkling, which I thought to be strange, so I quickly took out my phone and tried to get some photos. Looking through my phone, I noticed the photos were already in there, nine different ones in a collage all together. I stared at the photos closer, realizing that the photos were forming some sort of shape with the star-like sparkles. I realized the shape was a snowflake. Then, I heard my dad. "What's up with the sky?" He said, sounding generally concerned. He was staring up at the sky, a hand over his brow as he searched for the sun. "It wasn't like this five minutes ago. When the sun leave?" My mom walked up next to him, trying to keep herself warm with her thick gloves oversized winter jacket. "Whatever it is, it isn't good. Do you think the other neighbors know about this?" My brothers were already out of the car, so I decided to get my backpack and close up the car doors and locked it before joining them at the porch. I was wearing earbuds, listening to music (a song that I fell asleep to last night), so I didn't hear my baby brother until he started at me at a funny way. When he got my full attention after I uncles the front door, he pointed at the cul-de-sac. "I said those trees are black! And it's snowing!" I looked over and realized that it was indeed snowing. It covered most of the houses and the yards in thick, small patches and all over the trees; again, I thought it so strange because there was no hint of snow when we entered the street or when we approached the house. It was then I noticed the trees. Tall, dead, and indeed black, the trees stood behind the houses, oddly mesmerizing in contrast with the white snow and the dark blue sky and ashy grey clouds. It was also then I realized how silent everything was. I looked around, noticing I was the only one outside now. ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ I peered through the cracks of the blinds of the front window to see my family enjoying themselves in front of the TV, watching some funny movie. Then they started talking, trying to figure out what time I get off from work and saying how they'll stop by the store first before picking me up. I shivered, suddenly remembering I was outside. I tried calling out to them, letting them know I was here, and I was already off work. My throat started to burn, and the more I tried to inhale, the more the frozen air burned my lungs and my nostrils. Panicking, I stumbled off the porch to give myself some more space, slowly lying down on the cold, icy ground as I stared up at the oddly light blue sky and dark clouds. I noticed the star-like sparkles were gently falling from the sky, some of them gradually turning themselves black. I got up quickly, getting a horrible feeling and ran for my porch, standing near the front door and watching the dark sparkles touched the dead grass and my hedges, turning them black and white. I watched as my neighborhood turned into patches of black and white. Then, it got more windy, some of them blowing at my direction. Quickly, I swatted at the air, preventing any of them to touch me, so afraid of turning black and white from them. I even closed my eyes, scared that they would get in them. I peeked a bit, noticing I'm in the middle of the cul-de-sac now. 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 I stared at the trees, taller than I remembered then being, still black and dead and covered with fresh white snow and black dirt. Then I felt some light pokes that singed my arms and my neck, like I was being poked by the sharp tips of burning needles. Swiftly, I wrapped myself up tighter with my work jacket, pulling down the sleeves more. I stared to at the sky to see the white star-like sparkles falling. They gently touch my cheeks, giving me tiny burning kisses. I wiped my face and shit my eyes quickly, trying to soothe the burns before falling onto the road, feeling the sudden extreme frozen cold. I forced myself up, shivering intensely, and noticing that I fell into something black. I thought of it to be dirt, so I tried wiping it off my pants, only to realize it melted the second I touched it. Finally realizing, I stared up at the trees. They were made of black snow and white ash. And suddenly, the trees were glowing, in this ominous white-blue glow that was similar to the star-like sparkles. Then, there were thin beams of light pierced through the dark clouds, making them disperse to show more of the blue sky. Soon, everything was getting bright, then suddenly, it was black.