Apartment Hunting w/ My Friends ft. Madea

Date: 6/27/2020

By Onii

This might be a bit long so bear with me please. The dreams started with me and my friends going apartment hunting. We were in a pretty bad neighborhood but it was chill. We had an agent with us who turned out to be my English teacher from freshman year. We caught up a bit while she took us to look at a house. At first, we didn’t think much about it. A house would be better than an apartment. However when we went inside, it was occupied by Madea. Yes Tyler Perry’s Madea only it wasn’t Tyler perry playing her it was some other guy. So she was there along with a few background characters. My friends and I are clearly confused, but the agent explained that Madea was moving out and that meant the house would be available. We looked around. That’s when me and another one of my friends (we’ll call her Zara) spotted a makeshift green house on a neighbors porch. They were growing these giant plants of weed and us being the potheads that we were concocted a plan to take one while the agent showed our other friends around. Zara went first and quickly picked a plant up. She easily ran and hid by the side of the house. I did the same and decided to go back again. As I went to get another one, I noticed a single large pink lily/tulip plant in the midst of the others. It was so simple yet beautiful. That’s when I heard the relator making her away over with the others. Thankfully, she couldn’t see me and I managed to take the pink lily tulip. As soon as Zara saw it she was like “why the fuck did you take that flower??” And I was like “because I liked it??.” Then we went and managed to put the plants in her car somehow. When we came back to meet the others, there was a group of people in sorts passing out papers to our friends. We realized they were giving out scholarship rewards. They were calling out names and giving them away so quickly. I was scared I wasn’t on there because I didn’t remember applying for any, but I spotted my name on the list. A mean looking lady looked at me and said “okay but first you have to confirm your identity.” It should’ve been easy. Instead she said that under list of addresses “Madea” was there and she asked why. I panicked because the only “Madea” I knew was the one we met during the house tour that day. Why would she be listed as places I lived?? I panicked and made up a story about living there when I was younger, and the lady laughed in my face and told me it was fake to test me. Then I started freaking out because I needed that scholarship. I tried to explain and begged her to reconsider. I think I said Tyler Perry’s Madea was a childhood memory for me that I “lived” in, but it didn’t work. My friends also tried to explain that we had just met a Madea, but she wouldn’t believe it until we went back to the house and introduced her. Then she gave me my scholarship. We ended up leaving shortly after that and the dream transitioned to a different part.