Date: 6/27/2019
By madisonweir
I had the greatest dream ever. It started with me sat down at lunch with Lucy and Kira, but then Kian came over and started talking to us. He kept brushing hands with me and winking and stuff and I was like uhhh. He made us go back to our form and followed us, and he sat next to me and I was like “nope”. I then walked to Geography with Lucy, and Lucy glared at me and said “He said you’re not very hot.” and I went “Okay. Well, I have a boyfriend anyway, so I’m not really that bothered.” She took Sophie Staude and ranted to her. I walked upstairs and Alex Parkin ran up and said “I’m sick of Lucy telling me stuff like that! Like, no offence, but I DON’T. CARE. Especially when it’s mean about you.” and I was like “Thanks bro.” It then was the end of the day. I walked home by myself and on the way out, Kian tried to come over but Regan suddenly popped up and walked next to me. Kian kind of backed off. When I got home, my mum instantly pushed me back out and yelled “To the car!” So we all piled into the car and got ready for god knows what. We drove to Castletown and apparently on the bridge, there was a door to the “room of legends”. We knocked on the door, and John Cena opened it. It was a shock and he let us in politely. Inside there were people like Bob Ross, Ryan Reynolds, Ty Simpkins (for some reason) and a bunch of other people. It was so cool. I ended up going to sleep at Maryport somehow and it was sickkkk.