Amazing Hotel, and Dream Fragments.

Date: 5/4/2018

By AngelicSword

My father were walking into this extremely fancy hotel. It was packed. I was wearing a single roller skate and I zoomed through the spinning doors, into the hotel, and up the stairs. I waoted for my dad to catch up to me. On the second floor there were many important men and women in conversation. We passed this one table and heard then talking about stars and stripes. I also caught a glimpse of one of the men. My father and I quickly went up to that mans hotel room and went inside. We looked around and then he sat on the bed and I sat against a wall, and we waited for them to come. The man from earlier came but this time with what I assume to be his wife. I looked to my dad to what I should say, but he was just motioning his head at them. "Did you like the book?" I asked the man. "The book? Can't say I did" he replies. "The one about the stars. The one about turning the United States into a-" My voice breaks. "Petty Country" finishes my dad. ---All I can remember of that part--- The rest of the dream I can only remember in bits and pieces. - - My sister and I are in our own hotel room along with our dad. I grab some pillows from her, jump on the bed with my back against the wall, and use them as a sort of wall. My sister starts complaining, and as she grabs one from me, she tears part of it off. She grabs another and nearly tears it in half. I start teasing her about how she's going to get in trouble. - - My friends Emma and Dillion are with me in a hotel room, looking at a book about some sort of biology. We're looking for a specific page in the back of the book, and we finally find it. Emma asks what a word was on the picture of the animal or animal insides. I can't remember what I said back. - - I'm looking at this man and woman from a third person viewpoint. Husband and Wife I assume. The woman seems immensely distressed by something and the man seems to not care. They start running for some reason. - - This really feminine man is remembering a girl he needs to complete his promise to. She was black, and told him that when she was captured, they shaved ofrom her beautiful blonde beard. So she asked him to get her a new one. - - The same feminine man is walking through the rain on a packed city with nothing but a suit on. He crosses the street and almost gets hit by a car. - - Fin.