New York oddness

Date: 1/21/2023

By clointoronto

Went to a place to to scope out for an event for work. Somehow I was trying on bikinis (that were way too small for me) and the woman kept telling me they weren’t for me but she was being so rude about it. I was getting pissed so I went to take it off and it got all tangled with the other bikinis. Side note: this bikini place was in the middle of this venue which was also attached to a hotel and bar. 🤷‍♀️ I was trying to file a complaint to the manager and once I finally got someone who knew the manger, we found our room (the kids were now with me). The room was wicked small, like enough for a mess and for us to walk around it. I ended up in my PJ’s (specifically lingerie type stuff) and when I walked out to ask for the manager again, the place was packed. People were walking all over the place and people were grabbing my lingerie trying to pull it up so I tan back to my room. But I noticed the kids were on the other side of the hotel desk so I yelled to get them back. Then my phone rang and I answered it. I asked who it was and he said, “you don’t know me but I’m here in New York” (which is where we were) and I immediately hung up. Then I woke up.