Date: 12/26/2016
By iwanttobelieve
Realized I was in a dreaming so I counted my hand a few times to check if I was and they looked normal enough so I counted them more then usual and saw I kept having 6 and I found myself in my house and I saw an empty Gatorade bottle and since I had thought of eating a random object before I thought of doing it this time and when i bit into it my teeth went through the plastic easier then it should have in reality and there wasn't any taste but my ears popped at the same rate I bit into the plastic and I found myself in my room and everything still felt pretty real enough for me to do something crazy and I thought of my shrooms which i had hidden away and I found them and I ate them really quick and they did have their real consistency for the most part and I noticed my vision started going off like maybe the dream was ending so I counted my fingers again a few times which became even more difficult then before and i tried to stay with the dream anticipating something to happen but the dream ended soon after