
Date: 12/1/2016

By zombiegirl

I joined a werewolf pack kinda cool I was able to hear my wolfpacks hart beats and feel my own hart and breathing match up with them they told me that the bond they now had with me was thicker then blood also had some weird kid fallowing me around he was kinda like Eugene from Hey Arnold or whatever the ginger kid from hey Arnold name is idk can't remember any who the kid was just like him in away but more demonic lookin kinda he had long fingers that kind of looked broken but didn't seem to bother him he had sharp black fingernails he wasnt apart of the pack I was in but he still fallowed me around also my dream kept switching setting between some kind of class room and hotel with friends? and then I'd switch dreams completely kinda from the dream of the wolfpack to a van full of my family and that creepy kid following me on a trip maybe on its way to the hotel/classroom were my wolfpack is idk