Special groups and contract manager

Date: 1/4/2020

By LucyElla

I had 3 dreams they sort of mixed together though. First one was short all that happened really was it snowed and that was all. Second one i was with a group of friends we were adults and worked together to do various missions that were either given to us or we could choose. One day we were walking back from a show I think we had gone to but noticed this guy was following us. Me and my friend recognised him he was expert in finding information out about people no one knew who he was as he always hid his identity and seemed to just disappear if you got tried to get close. I think someone sent him to catch something about us and try blackmail the group as not everyone liked the work we did. Later one of the members in our group who was part of tech and research was kidnapped but we saw the person with him drive away so me and one of the other guys ran out to save him I somehow had almost like extra speed and jump. I ran after the car and once I got close enough I jumped onto the cars roof and tried to smash the glass so I could get in while my friend tried to stop the car which luckily wasn't that difficult for him. The third dream was more confusing I had a job that had something to do with working with business and the people in them and for sent to work with this company who were setting up for an event but they seemed to be acting shifty with anyone outside of the company. I had to try pretend I was sent by the company but later I was with Leon who was doing some work for them I told him we couldn't trust them and he agreed so we had to be careful. He got sent back to do work and one of the managers of the event called me up to ask what my role was but for some reason I forgot my job so I said I was a contract manager which I didn't really know how to do as my job was more to do with people rather then money and contracts but just at that home Leon came back so I quickly asked him what I did but then I woke up.